Brewing beer with Ginger

Ginger beer is a hot trend today, thanks to the health benefits and the different taste it offers. Ginger gives a sweet yet spicy taste to the beer and is a great option for making cocktails. There are a lot of ways to make ginger beer at home, the one listed below is a simple recipe that takes only 3 days to make. But since it is not fermented for a long time it is not rich in probiotic but still offers various health benefits.

To brew your beer at home with ginger follow the easy steps below:

  • Peel fresh ginger and grate it finely. You will need 1/4th cup of finely grated ginger.
  • Take ½ teaspoon cream of tartar, 1/4th cup of lemon juice, and grated ginger in a large pot.
  • Add 4 large cups of water to the pot and boil the mixture.
  • After it has come to a full boil, turn the flame to medium and add sugar. Stir it well till the sugar has completely dissolved.
  • Now add 5 cups of cold water to the mixture in the pot and let it cool down to 23 degrees Celsius or 75 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Add 1 teaspoon of yeast to this and stir it well.
  • Place a kitchen towel on the pot to cover it well. Now you need to keep this pot in a dark and warm corner in the house for at least 3 hours. Post this the liquid mixture should smell yeasty and gingery.
  • Strain the liquid with a fine strainer in a pitcher. Make sure the liquid does not have any ginger in it.
  • Pour this brew in a clean plastic bottle. You can also use soda bottles or any other glass bottles. Fill the bottles leaving a little space at the top.

After this, all you need to do is keep the bottles in a warm and dark room for 3 days. About 2 to 3 times in the day loosen the cap of the bottles to relieve the pressure. Do not remove it completely. Once the fermentation is complete, you can add any fruit, syrup, liquor, or juice to customize the drink.

You can also enjoy it as it is. Be careful if you are storing it in a glass bottle as the carbonation might lead the bottles in exploding. So remove the fizz from the beer before storing it in glass bottles.

Enjoy your ginger beer!
